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참고 자료: 디스플레이포트 인증 케이블

(HDMI 케이블도 그렇지만) 디스플레이포트 1.1 케이블이나 1.2 케이블은 없다. 표준 디스플레이포트 케이블이면 된다.
그러나 시중에 유통되는 케이블 중에는 불량 제품도 있으므로 믿을 수 있는 곳(?)에서 사거나 디스플레이포트 인증을 받은 것인지 확인하는 것이 좋다.(아래 인용 대목 속 링크 ‘here’ 참조)
2016.09.23 22:10 추가인용 대목 속 ‘here’ 링크를 클릭하면 디스플레이포트를 지원하는 기기 이름만 나오는데 디스플레이포트 인증 케이블은 그 페이지의 제품 범주(products category)에서 ‘cable’를 선택한 뒤 ‘search’ 버튼을 클릭해야 나타난다.

How to Choose a DisplayPort Cable, and Not Get a Bad One!
Despite what you may read, there is no such thing as a DisplayPort 1.1 cable and DisplayPort 1.2 cable. A standard DisplayPort cable, including the so-call DisplayPort 1.1 cables, will work for any DisplayPort configuration including the new capabilities enabled by DisplayPort 1.2, including 4K and multi-stream capabilities. All standard DisplayPort cables support RBR, HBR (High Bit Rate), and HBR2 (High Bit Rate 2), which can support 4K at 60Hz, or up to four 1080p displays using multi-stream.
As mentioned previously, it is important to avoid low quality DisplayPort cables to prevent unexpected video or audio problems, and sometimes even system power-up problems. Always buy cables from a reputable computer system or accessory brand. Or safer yet, buy a cable that is DisplayPort certified. DisplayPort certified cables are listed here.

Recently VESA has experienced quite a few complaints regarding troublesome DisplayPort operation that ended up being caused by improperly made DisplayPort cables. These “bad” DisplayPort cables are generally limited to non-DisplayPort certified cables, or off-brand cables. To further investigate this trend in the DisplayPort cable market, VESA purchased a number of non-certified, off-brand cables and found that an alarmingly high number of these were configured improperly and would likely not support all system configurations. None of these cables would have passed the DisplayPort certification test, moreover some of these cables could potentially damage a PC, laptop, or monitor. We have not seen problems with the cables supplied by major computer brands, or major computer accessory brands, nor have we seen any problems with any of the cables that have been DisplayPort certified.